Dome Project developed with students of IAAC '08.
The Dome project is a very interesting task since the class of Digital Tectonics is working united on this project. All 20 students come from different coutries and have never worked before in in a team of 20 people for one single project.The goal was to design a parametric Dome with a complex skin and to fabricated it in the Scale 1:1 during a timeperiod of 5 weeks. To begin with, we thought the DOME as a pavillon in which one could enter. The basic parameters for the shape for the surface were defined in a simple TopSolid model. Later points were spreaded throughout the surface and give the final posistion for the components.
The hole project is made out of 1200 pieces cardboard. The design and construction is developed in Topsolid as a Parametric Model. The conection is made with Zip ties. At the beginning we devloped a different kind of join, but as we realiced pretty fas in fabrication, it was not strong enough and we had to start from beginning.
You can see the first connection on the left side.
At the end I was really happy with the fast decision of using zip ties, it made the whole project much nicer.
For more information click here.